Saturday, August 23, 2008


第一次,华文出现在我的部落格里,这真是史无前列。谈谈这假期吧,挺无聊的,没去旅行,没回吉打,每天24 小时呆在家里,守在电视前,手握着遥控器,不时地转台。除了这样,我还能做些什么呢?哥哥出外深造了,少了个伴,没有人和我一起疯,没人和我打乒乓。好想快些回到学院噢。前几天翻了翻课本,突然觉得这世上的科学家们好厉害哦。好佩服他们哦。自小便立志成为科学家的我,也不知为何选择了牙医这条路。看看前方,还有多么漫长的路还要走,还有多少知识要学才能成为牙医…………几度想放弃,但我总対自己说,有一天,我会飞往印度深造,有一天我会成为一名牙医…………想到这里,突然念起外公,此时,胸口变得热热的。外公曾是位抗日军。每每遇到什么挫折,我终会对自己说:“军人的后裔,是击不垮的!”外公,从你离去那天起,我一直这样对自己说……我知道,这些年来,你总在我身旁,默默支持我……公公和婆婆也是……呵呵,你们的孙子不会衰给你们看的……真的……此后心结已解打开厚厚的课本随着课本里一行又一行的字走向我的牙医梦……^^

Thursday, August 14, 2008

My mid-term exam^^ -.-

What can i say??? This is the best and the worst exam i ever had... Best is that , i never feel so 'unstressful' when preparing for an exam.It seems like everyday i keep on jogging in the evening, listening music all the time, blahing with my housemate when free. It just not similar to my past personality as in the past I'll struggle for it. I also don't know why.Perhaps i grown up^^ (lol). Come to the worst part of this examination. I never feel I am stupid till the time I sit for the Maths paper. T.T What can I say? The paper is freaking hard+tough+nervous.60 mins to solve 8 additional mathematics essay kinds of questions??? Crazy!!! Insane!!!Whose idea is this???Don't he or she realise that these sort of questions will mortal some of the students?This is because all the students will have insufficient time to finish it, then they'll feel very nervous.Adrenaline keep on draining out from students' adrenal gland, resulting cardiac muscles contract and relax more frequently.Hence the blood pressure will increase.For some plump students, there're plague form on the wall of their's cappillary wall. An increase in blood pressure will increase the likelihood for them to get a stroke. Now only you realise that how hazard is this paper.Luckily no people got stroke...If not I'll go and wreck the person that sets the questions.GERAMNYA.....